
IDATA GROUP was established in 1980, facing the major changes in the market and modelling its technical and managerial structure to adapt to the new technological challenges. Our company is based on a stable corporate structure, which has not changed over the years and thanks to which it has achieved its goals and challenges.

Launch of the Innovative StartUp Polytechnic of Turin.
IoT Integrated Hw and Sw system-BlueBox-which enables the detection, transmission, cloud storage and visualization in Real Time on Web and Mobile platforms, of key data on the state of sea wellbeing, also providing trend assessments through analysis and comparison with historical data.


We strongly believe in technology as an indispensable tool for the rapid and sustainable growth of the global economy and society. The Fourth Industrial Revolution can only be achieved by overcoming old ICT sourcing models that do not allow for efficiency, security, scalability, and adequate performance.

National Cloud Veterinary Booklet
PuppyCloud® has revolutionized the management of Animal Health.
Major e-commerce portal integrated with Erp, Crm, Seo solutions.

GDPR: Establishment of PRIVACY Working Unit formed by our Security consultants and legal advisors. Work is proceeding on major clients.
CLOUD: Partnership with a major group for the use of Cloud resources.

Idata participates in the company with specialization in Networking and Cloud Sharing
Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology. Realisation of the GeoDB and visualisation for 3 centres in the seismic zone of Calabria.
Mechatronics: Significant work in the area of 'mobility'.

Participation in the establishment of the company owning the software QUBO Software for the management of the fiscal ticketing of shows certified by the Inland Revenue Agency.
Participation in the Call for Tenders Italy - France - Valle D'Aosta.
Won and implemented as a team the "Renewable Energy Sources Data Acquisition Project" for the Saint Denis Municipality. Control and evaluation of production yields: Minieolic, Photovoltaic, Boilers, Lighting stations.

CSI Piedmont asked Idata to prepare the GIS tender for an International Tender for the Ministry of Water Resources in Algiers.
The project involves the realisation of: GIS, IT Infrastructure, GED document management.
Awarded and assigned to Idata the GIS part for a duration of 3 years with the realisation of the GeoDB of the Resources of the Algiers Region.
Renewable Energies: Idata finances the establishment of the company focusing on Renewable Energies with investments in research and development for the design of Pyrogasification and Biogas plants.
Realised Prototype 100kwe Pyrogas, installed Biogas 250kwe, Photovoltaic 1MWe.
SMART GRID: Realised remote control sw.

A strategic project set up by the mobile phone operators Vodafone-TIM-H3G with the aim of amalgamating and sharing transmission sites with significant overall savings not only in economic terms but also in terms of energy efficiency. IDATA participates in the team with its own PMs.
IDATA acquisisce quote della società specializzata in Networking, VM, con un Data Center in via Caldera.
Participation in many mobile customer projects. System and application development side.

Incorporated in Milan for TELCO activities

IDATA implemented the SIL project, which became the production progress management system for the Pendolino line.
Years later it is integrated into SAP

IDATA opens an office in Istanbul - IDATA-MUMESSLIK ltd
Ankara Military Hospital. IDATA wins a major international tender for the realisation of 'a sterilisation line'. One of the competitors was Siemens.
TIM - AVEA Other important activities were carried out in the mobile ICT sector.
Today, IDATA MUMESSLIK has 6 locations in Turkey and is involved in consulting and training activities. It is no longer a subsidiary, although friendly relations and cooperation remain.
Contracts in the USSR are concluded. The fall of the Wall initiates a period of crisis in the satellite states.
Internet: A collaboration begins at IDATA headquarters with a 'young man' who, through his new company, explains what WWW, Acrobat, Cern in Geneva are all about. Few understand its potential.
Today it would be called a start-up. The founders sold the shares 6 years later to the most important Italian advertising group.

We complete an automated warehouse system for a major company in Korea.
Idata on 15 June signed an important contract with Gorbachev's deputy minister for the construction of a video recorder production factory. CNC machines, Cad-Cam, Mprp, Management. The ultimate in system integration. A response to the desire to explore markets and solutions.
We are proposed to participate in a trade fair in Moscow, bringing our experience in the automotive industry. We are still a small company, like all of them at the time, and we try to put together a group of companies from Piedmont to collaborate. Unsuccessfully because they were unwilling to leave 'Turin', take risks and invest. IDATA, on its own, participated with its small stand.
CAD-CAM: Activities and important customers in Italy in the CAD ERP sector.
We invent the prototype without knowing it but too early for the technologies of the time.
One of our partners formalises a directory of all 'machine tools' with the main recognition keys for a potential market of 20,000 users.
We set up a DB on a large computer (5 MB disk - five Mb) and through an Infos terminal the companies connected via a 'telephone acoustic coupler at 300 Baud' to our premises. The algorithm of our APP at the time would search and locate the machines and customers close to the search keys, which were remotely sent to the customer's 'thermal printer'.
There was no internet and the customer contact cost did not justify the B.Plan. It would take 10 years to exploit internet transmission technology.
However, it remains in our history and will not be the only innovation
in partnership with Digital begin the technological breakthrough towards the 'Automatic Factory'.
The Mirafiori-Rivalta-Cassino plants become the production case histories of the new car models in Just and Time. We are fortunate to be involved in the process control and management software and automation.
We started collaborating with international computer companies that were bought out of the market from time to time: Lagosistemi, Philips, Digital, Compaq>HP Apollo, Sun>IBM
We had been teaching electronics at ITIS MAJORANA for four years. We had introduced the study of the first Z80-TEXAS microprocessors. At that time, Bill G. had not yet rented the garage.
Our students experienced the beginning of an era that today seems like prehistory. It was a full-time commitment not only technical but social, political and human. Young people from that time I find technicians and managers today. Some were later employed by IDATA and some still work with us today.
On 13 June, after leaving teaching, we founded IDATA, starting a new
adventure that continues to this day.